About Us
Alexander Cambron is a West Flemish dyed in the wool entrepreneur. He combines common sense, daring, persistence and marketing. A remarkable man, at home in many areas.
Born on 28 July 1958 (in the middle of the World Exhibition), the son of a potato merchant, he enjoyed a carefree and fun youth in Poperinge. After Sint-Stanislas college he achieved a Masters in Political Science at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels. In 1985 he became an expert project leader at the European Commission, a high paying job but a civil service position doesn’t suit him. In 1987 he became manager at Cegos Belgium (business advisors), in 1989 he founded Eurosem, and expanded this into a leading institute for professional training in Belgium. In 2000 he sold Eurosem to the listed company WPP-Ogilvy & Mather (New York – London). He participates and becomes CEO in View Interim (temporary staff), which was sold to the French company Synergie.

2000: a new century, a new sound. Top quality real estate becomes the new challenge. Ten years later: ten fabulous realisations.
Who is Alexander Cambron? An intelligent, hard-working, independent entrepreneur, gifted with great creativity and with exceptionally good common sense. No difficult words, because if it cannot be said simply it is not the truth. An independent entrepreneur: he had the courage to leave high paid jobs (the European Commission, Ogilvy), to start from scratch with his own two hands.
His character? Is rational, at least he appears rational, or likes to appear so, but conceals a sensitive heart, a man of great emotion. He remembers his childhood in Poperinge with great pleasure, the birth of Valentine and Camille, of good friends – les compagnons de route. “Alex” for his friends is also a man with friends: as loyal as a dog, gives everything without keeping tack, true friendship in which all personal interest disappears.
As a businessman he is a master of the art of delegation, and knows how to surround himself with the best. He gives them his complete trust, openly values and praises them. He is the rare combination of being a good generalist (the strategy, major lines, knowing what we want), a precise detailed person (the finishing, each small plant in the large garden must be perfect).
Architecture? He is open and creates from monumentally traditional to progressive contemporary. His greatest concern: making homes where people feel good, prêt-à-habiter, not a house but a home. Space for what the man and woman of the house want, a paradise for the children, a home office with cyberspace, an openhearted warmth for friends, space for hobbies, wine, a garden with space for pets. In fact, a literal application of the marketing concept: responding to people’s needs.
His motivation? Personally: the broadest possible freedom in thinking and doing. A tempestuous lion (also his star sign); as free as a bird and enjoying his freedom. Respect for the word of honour, for friendship, for love, for persistence, for laughing aloud and putting things into perspective. No respect for jealousy, laziness or careerism.
The future? Carrying on, active, more action than contemplation. Constantly remaining curious, travelling the world, always looking for new things, discovering things. But with true entrepreneurs you never know – and that is lucky because they are and remain the driving force of society and provide energy, innovation and direction.